quarta-feira, 23 de julho de 2014

KPI - Key Performance Indicator - Caixa de Ferramentas, parte II á VI

KPI 101
Parte 2 á 6

Sobre a importância em Geral do uso de um sistema de KPI já relatei no passado aqui no linkedin ( e no meu blog  http://mhofrichter.blogspot.com.br/ , onde , além de artigos sobre assuntos de Lean Manufacture e de KPI publico vagas para diversas áreas ).

no post

KPI - Caixa de Ferramentas, Parte I de VI

mencionei 18 Indicadores da área financeira – posteriormente irei detalhar um por um em posts separados.

Hoje divulgo mais 57, começando pela área de

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Customer Retention Rate

Customer Satisfaction Index

Customer Profitability Score

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Turnover Rate

Customer Engagement

Customer Complaints

Mercado e Atividades de Marketing:
Market Growth Rate

Market Share

Brand Equity

Cost per Lead

Conversion Rate

Search Engine Rankings (by keyword) and click-through rate

Page Views and Bounce Rate

Customer Online Engagement Level

Online Share of Voice (OSOV)

Social Networking Footprint

Klout Score

Performance operacional:
Six Sigma Level

Capacity Utilisation Rate (CUR)

Process Waste Level

Order Fulfilment Cycle Time

Delivery In Full, On Time (DIFOT) Rate

Inventory Shrinkage Rate (ISR)

Project Schedule Variance (PSV)

Project Cost Variance (PCV)

Earned Value (EV) Metric

Innovation Pipeline Strength (IPS)

Return on Innovation Investment (ROI2)

Time to Market

First Pass Yield (FPY)

Rework Level

Quality Index

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Process or Machine Downtime Level

First Contact Resolution (FCR)

Funcionários e Performance relacionada:

Human Capital Value Added (HCVA)

Revenue Per Employee

Employee Satisfaction Index

Employee Engagement Level

Staff Advocacy Score

Employee Churn Rate

Average Employee Tenure

Absenteeism Bradford Factor

360-Degree Feedback Score

Salary Competitiveness Ratio (SCR)

Time to Hire

Training Return on Investment

Indicadores ambientais e Performance de sustentabilidade social:
Carbon Footprint

Water Footprint

Energy Consumption

Saving Levels Due to Conservation and Improvement Efforts

Supply Chain Miles

Waste Reduction Rate

Waste Recycling Rate

Product Recycling Rate

Ao longo das próximas semanas, haverá um detalhamento para cada um desses 75 indicadores, com exemplos.

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